LEGION Model Builder Help


A Train Carriage object comprises: CAD, doors, join points (to other Carriages) and a maximum capacity.

After clicking the Train Carriage button on the Objects toolbar, select the Carriage’s CAD (The CAD should leave spaces for the doors that will open at the platform, as shown above), then press Enter to continue.

To define the doors, draw a line in the CAD where each door that. Doors can be defined on a single side, or both sides, depending on whether the same Carriage will appear on different platforms.
Tip: Employ snaps here (e.g., Snap to Intersection on the Snaps toolbar) to ensure doors are precisely defined. When all doors have been defined, press <Enter> to continue.

Join Points are two connection points (front and back), where Carriages are linked together, to form Trains. They are automatically snapped to the longitudinal centre line of the Carriage. They also specify their distance from the ends of Carriages' CAD, and hence the separation distance between Carriages.

The front Join Point is indicated by a small red circle:

The rear Join Point is indicated by a small green circle:

Every Carriage has a name and a maximum capacity (optional), used to control the number of entities seeking to board. Entities do not enter Carriages at capacity. Instead, they wait for the next Train. Entities do not try to board other Carriages, if their assigned Carriage is full. If no maximum capacity is specified, entities board until the Carriage is physically full, or the Train dwell time is over.
Note: To help re-use defined components, you are prompted to save the Carriage to a Catalogue, at the end of the process.